Mar 24, 2019 | Latest News
Attachment and depression/anxiety In my counselling work, I’ve noticed a strong correlation between adults struggling with long-term depression and/or anxiety, and attachment issues from their childhood. ‘Attachment’ is a term used to describe the relationship a child...Mar 24, 2019 | Latest News
Changing Learned Helplessness to Learned Optimism In my work as a counsellor, I often take clients who are struggling with depression and/or anxiety to the research of Martin Seligman. Learned Helplessness Seligman and colleagues proposed that subjecting participants...Mar 24, 2019 | Latest News
New website launched I’m very pleased to have recently launched my brand new website! Please feel free to take a look at the services I offer, and don’t hesitate to get in touch if you’d like a counselling session or a workshop...